Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pierre Dillenbourg (guest post by Brian Maurer and Amanda Meek)

About Pierre Dillenbourg:

A former teacher in elementary school, Pierre Dillenbourg graduated in educational science (University of Mons, Belgium). He started his research on learning technologies in 1984. He obtained a PhD in computer science from the University of Lancaster (UK), in the domain of artificial intelligence applications for educational software. He has been professor assistant at TECFA, University of Geneva. He joined EPFL in November 2002. He has been the director of CRAFT, the pedagogical unit for 10 years and is now the academic director of the EPFL Center for Digital Education and head of the CHILI Lab: "Computer-Human Interaction for Learning & Instruction."

Notable Articles, WebPages, and Videos

The Future of Learning - Keynote talk at Sidney: International Conference for Learning Science - More about orchestration and how to predict collaborative “drop outs” and work with teams to encourage equal participation.

Classroom Ergonomics - Interesting talk about classroom orchestration, and how having tangible elements in the class work (actual pieces of paper that students can download, print out, and hold in their hand) improves the performance of students taking online courses.

Sharing Solutions: Persistence and Grounding in Multi-Modal Collaborative Problem Solving. Co-
authored by David Traum.

Dillenbourg, P. (2013). Design for Classroom Orchestration. Journal of Computers in Education.

Dillenbourg, P. (2002). Over-scripting CSCL: The risks of blending collaborative learning with instructional design. In P. A. Kirschner (Ed). Three worlds of CSCL. Can we support CSCL (pp. 61-91). Heerlen, Open Universiteit Nederland.

Dillenbourg P. & Traum, D. (2006) Sharing solutions: persistence and grounding in multi-modal collaborative problem solving. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 15 (1), pp. 121-151.

Dillenbourg, P., Baker, M., Blaye, A. & O'Malley, C.(1996) The evolution of research on collaborative learning. In E. Spada & P. Reiman (Eds) Learning in Humans and Machine: Towards an interdisciplinary learning science (pp. 189-211). Oxford: Elsevier.

Dillenbourg P. (1999) What do you mean by collaborative learning? In P. Dillenbourg (Ed) Collaborative- learning: Cognitive and Computational Approaches (pp.1-19). Oxford: Elsevier.

Other Notable Web Activity

Twitter Account - It appears he wasn’t overly active, with only two tweets and the last one from 2010.

 Personal Facebook Page

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